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Edmonton Fans Antics After Oilers Win Go Viral

Oilers fan goes viral after epic celebration

Edmonton fan's antics after Oilers win go viral

Fan's antics land him on SportsCentre

An Edmonton Oilers fan is going viral after his epic celebration following the team's Game 5 win over the Dallas Stars.

The fan, who has been identified as Oilers superfan "Copper and Blue Jay," was caught on camera celebrating the win by jumping up and down and waving his Oilers jersey in the air. The video of his celebration has since been viewed millions of times on social media.

"I was just so excited," said Copper and Blue Jay. "The Oilers had just won a huge game, and I couldn't help but celebrate."

Copper and Blue Jay's celebration was so enthusiastic that it even caught the attention of SportsCentre, which featured the video on its nightly broadcast.

The Oilers are now one win away from advancing to the second round of the playoffs. If they can win Game 6 on Friday night, Copper and Blue Jay is sure to have another epic celebration in store.
